Philippine-Project - Help for Philippines
How it all began
Lubo is a small village in the forests of north-east Mindanao, 30 km away from civilization.
The villagers are of the tribe of Manobos.
There live about 450 people who are trying from vegetable growing, animal husbandry, hunting, logging and gold panning achieve their income. By seclusion nature is still largely untouched and intact. Because the soil is not very fertile, insects and wildlife complicate the cultivation of vegetables and fruits, most of the food must be brought in with remodeled motorcycles. It has wooden boards built on the motorcycles to fix the charge thereon, which can be up to 300 kg. It's amazing how these motorcyclists bring the heavy load on unpaved roads, rivers and wooden boards that span small ravines, into the village. Even up to 5 people are with these motorcycles,we called it (Habal Habal). And this is the only way to go to Lubo.
During the rainy season from November to March, is almost impossible to cope with this route because the temporary bridges and planks are washed away and destroyed by the rising rivers. In December our driver during the transport of 4 sacks of rice to the village had an accident. If crossing a river, he was knocked down by the strong current. The bike and its load rolled sideways over him, while his leg was badly injured. The bike was also damaged and lost the rice. A very big loss for him.
Philippines is a very corrupt country. Despite the government's efforts to bring about change, disappear still money that should be used for road construction or other measures. Unfortunately, there are also always the poorest who suffer from it.
Last year was the 15kw generator that powered the village with electricity for lighting, it was broken. He is no longer to repair. Also, the cost for the diesel generator was hardly applied. But water and rivers are available in abundance. If enough money were available could be a small hydro power plant in the form of a water wheel or turbine to be built.
I myself spend every now and then a few days a month in Lubo, because the people there are very friendly, nature is breathtakingly beautiful and I've won a lot of friends there.
As the internet I found a report on aquaponic one day, I knew that it would be an ingenious technology for the Philippines. Most soils in the Philippines are not suitable for growing vegetables. That's what I need to know there itself. But with such a technique is to be able to breed fish and at the same time grow high-quality vegetables. That would in small areas to ensure the people who are helping have little land available anyway their own care, with a lower cost of investment. All materials are available in the Philippines or may also be prepared yourself. This requires power 330 watts for a pump and water.
I dreamed of, so to build a pilot plant in Socorro to them later to let the people there and implement such projects with the locals in other villages.
The last severe typhoon in the Philippines in 2013 was only about 100 kilometers from my house. We were lucky to have been spared from minor damage. What shocked me at the time, despite major assistance from the world with kind and cash donations, but was helped people very slowly and slightly locally. Many dead were not buried after months and much money and food are not arrived on site. There was not enough responsible people who have a heart for people in need and not exploit such situations in order to enrich themselves personally. There was, for example, sufficiently good craftsmen in every village, to build houses, but one has it commissioned company to build temporary shelters overpriced.
Philippines is a land of adventure . That has always challenge to me . The result is now this project .