....the small fish,which I am
With my Filipino woman Marlyn I have done many wonderful experiences in the Philippines in recent years. But the hardship, poverty, hunger, lack of education, the fight for decent conditions of poor people have moved me deeply. In me grew more and more the need to help the people there. Supported by Marlyn we can bring about a lot. Some families now have a roof over their head, others a small boat, which they can fish and some children receive financial support from us they go to school and can receive medical assistance in order. Therefore, some children could only survive.
But everything was ultimately just a plug holes without creating truly radical solutions. The plight of the people resulted in me ultimately a great impotence that me but on the other side also forced to develop this aid project. In a one-year low and grueling process we developed and summarized the natural cycles to a sustainable project together.
Wonderful people have supported us in this and also always encouraged when we wanted to give himself. Without Herbert, H. Foundation Looschelders, Social and Ecological Foundation, we would never be able to implement the project. Rapunzel & German Environmental Aid - HAND IN HAND FUND found our project so much that they support us at 5000 € .... and here we go.